Two aspects of a speech or presentation hold immense importance to ensure that you are able to leave a lasting impact on your audience, i.e. the opening and closing remarks. Using the right words can help you leave on a high note and needless to say, failing to do so can make your presentation forgettable and in some cases, regrettable.
The type of closing remarks you add to your presentation will depend upon the environment, the topic of the speech and the kind of audience you are addressing to. Let’s take a look at some sample closing remarks that you can use, along with some basic tips for concluding your presentation in an appropriate manner. You can use these examples below for inspiration, to learn how to end a speech.
Below is an example of a formal closing remark by Bill Gates at the Harvard Commencement.
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You can also add a touch of humor to make things more interesting with a closing remark like these:
Note: Such a closing remark might be suitable where you have been able to keep your audience laughing throughout the presentation session and the audience might be in the right mood to receive such a remark in a lighthearted manner.
Even when you crack a joke, make sure to follow it up with a formal comment like ‘Thank You’, ‘Good Bye’, ‘Good Evening’ or ‘Have a Great Day’. Say it with a smile, to make sure you don’t look rude or the audience does not misunderstand you in anyway.
While the below comment by Will Ferrell wasn’t a closing remark but it serves as a good example as to how you can end your presentation with some humor.
The presenter can support the close of the presentation with some visual slides. The thank you slides provided by SlideModel for example can be a good fit for this purpose. Read the full review from
There are a number of ways by which you can add closing remarks to your presentations. Below are some methods you can use for leaving a major impact on the hearts and souls of your audience.
This can be done to closely knit your conclusion with a closing remark which might inspire your audience. Crafting a compelling conclusion is an art in itself; understanding how to conclude a project effectively can be essential for creating a lasting impact. This tip is especially useful when drafting an effective conclusion for project.
Sometimes it’s best to keep your closing remarks aside from the conclusion to avoid confusing the audience. This might be suitable when your closing remarks are meant to stand out apart from your conclusion. For example, your conclusion might be neutral but your closing remarks might provide your perspective on the topic and what you think is the best course of action.
When your closing remarks are closely tied to your conclusion/summary, you can use this method. Summarizing information can help the audience gather their thoughts and be reminded of essential aspects of your presentation, followed by a closing remark which resonates with the summarized content. You can effectively summarize your presentation by utilizing an online summarizer. A text summarizer can help to encompass the main points of your presentation and tie your closing remarks.
This can be a very handy approach, i.e. to use a mind boggling fact to inspire the audience and to direct them towards your preferred opinion.
Almost every type of presentation has a call to action. It is unlikely that a presenter in some way or the other will not be encouraging the audience to act, be it a sales presentation, motivational speech or a presentation about social issues. It could be as simple as adding a QR Code that links to your digital business card, thereby giving them an opportunity to contact you.
Your closing remarks should reinforce the main message or takeaway from your presentation. This helps in embedding the core idea in your audience’s mind, reminding them of what you want them to remember most.
Closing remarks that tap into emotions can leave a lasting impression. A touching story, an inspiring quote, or a call to personal action can help create this emotional resonance, making your presentation more memorable.
While crafting your closing remarks, remember to keep them concise and clear. Avoid using jargon or complex sentences, and aim for straightforward language that your audience can easily comprehend.
If applicable, give your audience something to do after your presentation. Whether it’s visiting a website, reading a book, or making a change in their life, a call to action gives your audience a practical next step. You can use the Call-To-Action to end your speech. Pro Tip: Do not forget to add your phone number and business email address as a part of your call to action.
It’s always polite and effective to thank your audience in your closing remarks. Showing appreciation for their time and attention helps to foster a positive relationship and leaves a favorable impression. Use Thank you slides when you end your presentation.
To enhance your closing remarks, consider using visual aids such as slides or infographics. These can summarize your main points, reinforce your message, and make your remarks more engaging and impactful.
Your closing remarks aren’t just about what you say, but also how you say it. Practice your slideshow and the presentation delivery to ensure you convey your message with confidence and clarity. Consider your tone, pace, and body language, as these can significantly affect your audience’s perception of your remarks. You can use tools like the Presentation Coach to rehearse your presentation.
We hope it will help you deliver a memorable presentation by ending it with proper closing remarks. Make sure that your audience feels satisfied after hearing the end of your speech. Ending on an optimistic note may leave a lasting impression on them, which is what matters the most in such professional events like interviews and presentations.
IT professional, communications specialist and Blogger!